Thursday, August 05, 2010

Shantha Swaroopini

The title doesn't sound much like the post I have been promising to write - the one about KG. Even to the people who know her casually, the title may not seem apt for a post about KG. But from the people who know her well, it will elicit an approving nod. I am not sure if I somehow imagined her to be that way and hence continue to perceive her as someone with an inner calm and strength ("shantham") ignoring the fact we very often call her "Rakshashi" since she can be that too pretty often. What ever it is, I feel that she has that inner calm and an ability to just be content with herself. I wish I could be like her sometimes. Not in the way that kids in general are able to move on but in the way that you know will be a part of her personality even as an adult.

When I was pregnant with my first child, I assumed it would be a girl. But when the nurse casually mentioned that it was a boy, I was kind of taken aback. What would I do with a boy...I only imagined myself with a girl baby. But once KB arrived, I got used to having a boy. The second time around, I actually didn't mind if it were to be another boy. This time around, I was so happy with KB that I was OK with another boy. When I found out it was going to be a girl, I took it in stride. I was happy I was going to have one of each but it was not like I was over joyed that it was going to be a girl. I would have been OK either way. But the more KG grows up, the more I feel so grateful to have a girl. And of course as her mother, I feel especially blessed to have a girl like KG. And I pray often that my perception of her is right and that she really is able to hold her own and have that quiet strength about her even as an adult.

Being the second child, KG just grew up in a blink. She turned three in June and I feel like it was only yesterday she was born. The first blessing after having struggled so much with KB's sleep issues was that she would sleep on her own from about 2m of age (until about 18m after which she needed us to pat her to sleep but would still not give us a hard time about it). Having gone through sleep issues with KB, I still feel so thankful to KG for making life easier by just being a good sleeper. The other big blessing is that she is not a picky eater like KB. But for her I would have constantly suffered this guilt that it must be me why KB is such a picky eater and is so difficult over all with eating. It felt like the Gods took pity on me when we gave her the first spoon of solids and she just opened her mouth wide (unlike KB's bird mouth habit) and ate her food so quickly. She is always open to trying new foods and when she says "enough" it is really because she is full and doesn't need more food. She was not much into milk- quite the opposite of her brother - but of late she has become more accepting of it. Because of the eating troubles I continue to have with KB, I am so grateful and appreciative of the fact that KG doesn't give me a hard time when it comes to eating. Every single meal, I feel thankful for it.

To be continued....


bitsofchocolate said...

Thoroughly enjoyed the first part - waiting for more :-)

noon said...

Thanks PV! I knew you would comment! I don't know what this bonding is between you and KG esp...I almost sense it! :)

Rohini said...

She sounds like an absolutely lovely little girl.

Totally jealous of her sleep habits...

Don't make us wait too long for the next installment :)

ranjani.sathish said...

Where is the continuation ???? Can't wait to hear more about the little angel !!

It made me smile when you said that you thank the God for blessing you with a cooperative child !

My own feeling....if it had not been for Shraddha (the younger one
),we would have thought that we were the best parents in the whole world !!! The first one gave that "breeze though" parenting feeling. The little one came along to put us firmly on a pedestal :-))).

Life balances itself out :-)

Mama - Mia said...

tell us more Noon! :) she sounds fabulous!


noon said...

Thank you...and am so sorry for the delay. Like they say nothing like a mother's own nazar she fell sick sort of - some eye infection - waking up with gummy stuff in her eye - then every night she has been throwing up - just once - and then slept fine - due to some chest congestion - so somehow just didn't have the time to write since promptly around the time I sit down at night she has been waking up. Will hopefully get to it tonight. I want to also gather some photos to go with the post...will do so soon.

Anonymous said...

Genial post and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you on your information.

Aryan-Arjun said... nice to hear about her..Yes god too pity on you and gave u a good eater the second time...Heeeheh But still Kb is cute little boy u know..